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Triads on land and inheritance.
Three lawful inheritances . . . . 25 a 9
Three means of suing land . . . . 25 a 16
Three wrong possessions . . . . . 25 a 20
Three kinds of status . . . 25 b 3
Three qualifications proper to every one . . . 25 b 5
Land measurements.
Four rhandirs in trev whence king's gwestva is paid . 25 b 11
18 feet in Howel's rod . . . . . . 25 b 12
Erw is 18 rods long and 2 rods broad . . 25 b 13
312 erws in rhandir except in case of gorvodtrev; 'and from those rhandirs land borderers are called in law' 25 b 15
Three evidences for land . . . . . . 25 b 19
13 trevs in every maenor, the thirteenth of which is the gorvodtrev . . 26 a 1
Four rhandirs in free trev with or without office, three for occupancy and one for pasturage . . . . 26 a 3
Three rhandjrs in taeogtrev with three taeogs in each of two and the third for pasturage . . . 26 a 6
Seven trevs in a maenor of taeogtrevs . . . 26 a 8
Of meer breach.
Breaching a meer on another's land . . . 26 a 10
River a boundary between two cymwds only in its original channel 26 a 12
Worth of stone cross, i. e. a boundary mark . . 26 a 14
Breaching meer between two trevs and ploughing a highway 26 a 16
Breadth of land between two trevs = 1 ½ fathoms . 26 a 19
Breadth of land between two rhandirs = 4 feet . . 26 a 20
Breadth of land between two erws = 2 furrows . . 26 a 21
Breadth of king's highway = 12 feet . . . . 26 a 22
Ebediw in case of two lands and one lord . . . 26 a 23


The king's gwestva.
Its measure from every trev which pays it . . . 26 a 25