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The Skies Are Falling

the spell which enables us to come at your call is the only one by which you can yourselves return."

"She didn't," said Mavis.

"Ah, she is young and impulsive. But no doubt she arranged with someone to speak the spell and recall you?"

"No, she didn't. She doesn't know any land people except us. She told me so," said Kathleen.

"Well, is the spell written anywhere?" Maia asked.

"Under a picture" they told her, not knowing that it was also written in the works of Mr. John Milton.

"Then I'm afraid you'll have to wait 'til someone happens to read what is under the picture," said Maia kindly.

"But the house is locked up; there's no one there to read anything," Bernard reminded them.

There was a dismal silence. Then:

"Perhaps burglars will break in and read it," suggested Reuben kindly. "Anyhow, what's the use of kicking up a shine about it? I can't see what you want to go back for. It's a little bit of all right here, so it is—I don't think. Plucky sight better than anything I ever come across. I'm a-goin' to enjoy myself I am, and see all the sights. Miss, there, said we might."

"Well spoken indeed," said Maia, smiling at his earnest face. "That is the true spirit of the explorer."

"But we're not explorers," said Mavis, a little crossly, for her; "and we're not so selfish as you think, either. Mother will be awfully frightened if we're not home to tea. She'll think we're drowned."

"Well, you are drowned," said Maia brightly. "At least that's what I believe you land people call it when you come down to us and neglect to arrange to have the spell of return said for you."

"How horrible," said Mavis. "Oh, Cathay," and she clutched her sister tightly.

"But you needn't stay drowned," said the Princess. "Someone's