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The End

The Under Folk laughed jollily. "Of course it was always on us—since—when you saw us, we were always at war."

"And you're just like us!" said Freia to Ulfin.

"There is no one like you," he whispered back. Ulfin was now a handsome dark-haired young man, and looked much more like a Prince than a great many real Princes do.

"Did you mean what you said just now?" the Princess whispered. And for answer Ulfin dared to touch her hand with soft firm fingers.

"Papa," said Freia, "please may I marry Ulfin?"

"By all means," said the King, and immediately announced the engagement, joining their hands and giving them his blessing in the most businesslike way.

Then said the Queen of the Under Folk:

"Why should not these two reign over the Under Folk and let us two be allowed to remember the things we have forgotten and go back to that other life which I know we had somewhere—where we had a child."

"I think," said Mavis, "that now everything's settled so comfortably we ought perhaps all of us to be thinking about getting home."

"I have only one charm left, unfortunately," said the Mer King, "but if your people will agree to your abdicating, I will divide it between you with pleasure, dear King and Queen of the Under Folk; and I have reason to believe that the half which you will each of you have, will be just enough to counteract your memories of this place, and restore to you all the memories of your other life."

"Could not Reuben go with us?" the Queen asked.

"No," said the Mer King, "but he shall follow you to earth, and that speedily."