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Wet Magic

"When it happened."

"What happened?"

Will it be believed that Aunt Enid chose this moment for opening the door just wide enough to say, "Mavis—bed." And Mavis had to go. But as she went she said again: "What happened?"

"It, "said Francis, "whatever it was. I was saying . . ."

"MAVIS!" called Aunt Enid.

"Yes, Aunt Enid—you were saying what?"

"I was saying, ‘Sabrina fair,'" said Francis, "do you think—but, of course, it couldn't have been—and all dry like that, no water or anything."

"Perhaps magic has to be dry," said Mavis. "Coming, Aunt Enid! It seems to be mostly burning things, and, of course, that wouldn't do in the water. What did you see?"

"It looked like Sabrina," said Francis—"only tiny, tiny. Not doll-small, you know, but live-small, like through the wrong end of a telescope. I do wish you'd seen it."

"Say, ‘Sabrina fair' again quick while I look."

         "‘Sabrina fair,
Listen where thou art sitting,
Under the—'"

"Oh, Mavis, it is—it did. There's something there truly. Look!"

"Where?" said Mavis. "I can't see—oh, let me look."

"MAVIS!" called Aunt Enid very loud indeed; and Mavis tore herself away.

"I must go," she said. "Never mind, we'll look again tomorrow. Oh, France, if it should be—magic, I mean—I'll tell you what—"