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Wet Magic

"You know I wanted to before," said Kathleen reproachfully.

"But how?" the others asked.

"Oh," said Bernard, "we must think about that. I say, you chap, we must get to our dinner. Will you be here after?"

"Yes. I ain't going to move from here. You might bring me a bit of grub with you—I ain't had a bite since yesterday teatime."

"I say," said Francis kindly, "did they stop your grub to punish you for getting wet?"

"They didn't know nothing about my getting wet," he said darkly. "I didn't never go back to the tents. I've cut my lucky, I 'ave 'ooked it, skedaddled, done a bunk, run away."

"And where are you going?"

"I dunno," said the Spangled Boy. "I'm running from, not to."