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studied medicine, and took his degree of M. D. at Padua,[1] and the celebrated and beautiful Poet, Goldsmith, became Bachelor of Physic at Louvain.

In page 4, of his "Observations," the Oxford Gentleman gives an account of what he calls the

  1. Harvey was also created Doctor of Physic at Cambridge, soon after his return to England, and at Oxford in 1742, after his discovery of the circulation of the blood, to which place he had attended King Charles I. and in 1645, he was elected Warden of Merton College, in the latter University, by virtue of the King's letters patent, sent to that Society for the purpose. Vide Bibliotheca Biographica. The celebrated Doctor Mead, studied medicine at Leyden, under Doctor Pitcairn, and took the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine, at Padua, August 26th, 1695: in 1707, he was also created Doctor of Physic, by the University of Oxford. Sir Richard Blackmore, M. D. who espoused the cause of the Revolution, took his degree in Medicine, at Padua, though he had previously studied at Oxford, where he had resided thirteen years. Doctor Bastwick, who was so inhumanly punished along with Burton, the clergyman, and Prynne, the barrister, in the reign of Charles the First, also took his degree of Doctor of Medicine, at Padua, though he had been previously a student in Emmanuel College, Cambridge. The learned Sir Thomas Browne, M. D. also a Protestant, was permitted to study Medicine at Montpellier and Padua: many other instances might be adduced to the same effect. Vide Flloyd’s Bibliotheca Biographica.