Page:Whalley 1822 A vindication of the University of Edinburgh .djvu/25

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present, but it remains still undecided, whether the privilege of killing game he possessed by a Doctor of Physic of Oxford or Cambridge, by Virtue of his degree, or not; therefore the judgment in this case, cannot be said to draw a line of distinction between a Scotch and English degree, either as to this sort of qualification or as to rank.

Neither does the decision of the Court in this case prove, that an M. D. of a Scotch University, is not to all possible intents and purposes for which he was educated, a Doctor of Physic in England. It may do this and this only, it may possibly in future, prevent his killing game unless otherwise qualified. Is there to be found in this empire, a single person so enamoured of the "luxury of the law," as to prosecute any M. D. of an University, North of the Tweed, for practising Physic in any part of England, except London and its neighbourhood, on the ground of his not being qualified? Assuredly the will has not been wanting so to have done, had there been a Statute, on the authority of which, a prosecution could have been commenced.

"And oftentimes does the young Gentleman, after he has been buffetted about