Page:Whalley 1822 A vindication of the University of Edinburgh .djvu/34

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have been annually exhibited, either in their processes or results, according as the one or the other was judged to be most interesting or instructive."

As it seems the subjects named for these lectures by the founder, are Experimental Philosophy, Chemistry, Anatomy, Materia Medica, Botany, and Agriculture, and as the professor has the liberty of choosing any one of these subjects, it may happen that he may choose either Agriculture or Experimental Philosophy, neither of which subjects are included in a medical education. It appears from this calendar, that there are no clinical lectures, on the diseases of patients, in the Hospital, no lectures on the practice of physic, the theory of physic, materia medica, and pharmacy, medical jurisprudence, or midwifery, on all which subjects there are lectures at Edinburgh. At Oxford, there are the following medical professorships, one Regius professorship of medicine, do. do. of botany, anatomy, a clinical professorship, and one professorship of anatomy, one of medicine, and one of chemistry, the three last, founded in compliance with the will of Dr. Aldrich, in 1803, a Physician of the county of Nottingham; these offices are nearly sinecures, as