Page:Whalley 1822 A vindication of the University of Edinburgh .djvu/5

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tioned, obtained their medical knowledge at either Oxford or Cambridge? He knows full well, (whatever he may wish the public to believe) that they neither could, or did obtain their knowledge of medicine, at either of these Universities, as they neither are, or have been, schools of medicine.

The streams that actually replenish the College of Physicians with Fellows, are the London Hospitals, for to them do the young gentlemen resort, who afterwards graduate, at either Oxford or Cambridge; well aware, that the University which afterwards is to confer the degree of Doctor upon them, cannot teach the science, the highest honors of which, it so pompously confers. The truth is, that at our English Universities, the medical lectures are very few in number, their subjects treated very diffusely; in fact, they are mere popular lectures, and there are no opportunities for anatomical dissection; indeed, any hospital in the Kingdom is as good a school of medicine, as either of the English Seminaries. Here then a reform is most sadly wanted. Either let them put themselves on an equality, as to means of medical instruction, with those North of the Tweed, especially Edinburgh and Glasgow, or let them not insolently domineer over