Page:Whalley 1822 A vindication of the University of Edinburgh .djvu/7

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of Parliament to elect a Committee of their body to license and inspect the Madhouses, in London and its neighbourhood; they are likewise empowered to frame a Pharmacopeia, which is ordered by Government, to be the standard by which all medicines are to be prepared, which are vended by Apothecaries, in England and Wales. Now, as the Pharmacopeias of 1809 and 1815, are universally allowed by the profession to be extremely imperfect, might not some reform be reasonably introduced into this chartered body, especially as the proper composition of medicines, is of such vast and serious importance to the public?

The Oxonian says, "and here let me ask the reformers from what purer source, or on what better principle they would improve the system of discriminating those practitioners who should be licensed, and those who should be restrained."—I will take the liberty of pointing out a purer source.

Let them admit all Doctors of Physic of the British Universities, who have studied a number of years at the University at which they have taken their Doctor's Degree, after having satisfactorily passed a full, fair, and strict examination, of their classical and medical acquirements; to the station of Fellow and all its privileges, with