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what's o'clock
Pronounced them very early specimens
Of thirteenth century work, at which the Dean
And Chapter all said "Ah!" and spent a week
Searching old records for a hint of them.
The local antiquaries blew the dust
From ancient chronicles and seared their eyes
With cryptic script to learn what history
Made mention of an inky-bearded king
Whose iron mien portended fearful things,
And who the queen, so obviously mismated?
But not a dusty chronicle gave tongue.
Baffled, they placed them in the town museum
Cautiously labelled, "Ancient King and Queen,
Fine specimens of Thirteenth Century Carving."
And what of Neron? Neron was a pauper,
They buried him, of course, in Potter's Field,
Where you can see him turned to purple thistles
Purveying exquisite delight to donkeys
On Sundays, holidays, and festivals,