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Doctors, even by you yourself when, as a parish priest, you found yourself in contact with humble and simple souls. When we have, for example, to explain the relations between God the Father, Jesus, and humanity, while we recognize all the beauty of the doctrine built up by scholasticism, and agree in its religious content, we yet cannot have recourse to the ontological terms, "person," "essence," "nature," "hypostases," "processions." As the modern habit of mind does not attach to these any meaning which corresponds with reality, it is returning to exactly the same moral and intellectual conditions as those of the first Christians, or of the humble and simpleminded Christians of our country districts who know nothing of these rational categories, to whom both the first Fathers, and you yourself, perhaps, when you taught the Catechism, explained that God is Father, is Wisdom, is Love: Father of all things by creation; His