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he said, "is in the Pontiff; we believe that after the Separation he will desire to expel the Liberal Catholics from the Church, and the Liberal Catholics are our fiercest opponents."

We know well that our word will have no weight with you; and to-morrow, we are certain, espionage, censure, calumny, will be renewed against us with redoubled vigour. Everything will be done to make us apostates. But we will stand firm at our post, prepared to endure everything, to sacrifice everything except the truth. Our voice, reverent indeed, but frank, unambiguous, sincere, will be ready to expose every action of yours which is not inspired by wisdom and equity.

We mean to be, not rebels, but sincere Catholics, to the salvation of Christianity. Our rebellion will be, at the most, the violence which a loving son ought to exercise towards a sick mother, that he may induce her to observe the orders of