Page:White - The natural history of Selborne, and the naturalist's calendar, 1879.djvu/59

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summer, and frequented an ornamented piece of ground, which joins to my garden, for some weeks. They used to march about in a stately manner, feeding in the walks, many times in the day; and seemed disposed to breed in my outlet; but were frighted and persecuted by idle boys, who would never let them be at rest.

The Grossbeak.

Three grossbeaks[e2] (loxia coccothraustes) appeared some years ago in my fields, in the winter; one of which I shot. Since that, now and then, one is occasionally seen in the same dead season.

A crossbill[e3] (loxia curvirostra) was killed last year in this neighbourhood.

Our streams, which are small, and rise only at the end of the village, yield nothing but the bull's head or miller's thumb[e4] (gobius fluviatilis capitatus), the trout (trutta fluviatilis), the eel[e5] (anguilla), the lampern[e6] (lampætra parva et fluviatilis) and the stickle-back[e7] (pisciculus aculeatus).

We are twenty miles from the sea, and almost as many from a great river, and therefore see but little of sea birds. As to wild fowls, we have a few teems of ducks bred in the moors where the