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(i) that these forces will be commanded by an officer of the Indian Army lent to the Rajpramukh for the purpose;
(ii) that the strengths and organisation of these forces will be fixed with reference to the role which they will play in the defence of India as well;
(iii) that in consequence there should be a reconstitution and reorganisation of these forces on the pattern of the Indian Army:
(iv) that officers will hereafter be selected through the same machinery and in the same manner as for the Indian Army; the extra number will accordingly be selected, trained and commissioned by the Government of India and appointed by the Rajpramukhs of the respective Unions;
(v) that promotions etc. will be made on the same lines as they are made in the Indian Army; and
(vi) that there will be a certain amount of inter-changeability of officers between the Indian Army and the State Forces.

180. These forces will immediately come under the operational command of the Indian Army Commands in whose area the Unions are located. It is intended to complete the process of reorganisation by the end of 1951 when the forces of the Unions of States will in all respects, including pay and allowances, organisation, etc. be on a par with the Indian Army units. As a result of the agreements concluded with the States and Unions in regard to the federal financial integration the expenditure for these forces will, as from the date on which the federal financial integration takes place, be a charge on the revenues of India.

To give legal cover to this arrangement, a special provision has been made in the new Constitution of India (Article 259) to the following effect:

"(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, a State specified in Part B of the First Schedule having any Armed Forces immediately before the commencement of this Constitution may, until Parliament by law otherwise provides, continue to maintain the said Fores after such commencement subject to such general or special orders as the President may from time to time issue in that behalf.
(2) Any such Armed Forces as are referred to in clause (1) shall form part of the Armed Forces of the Union".