Page:White and Blue 1911-02-14 v014 n014.djvu/12

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(Chas. Schwencke.)

Dr. George E. Vincent, dean of the College of Art, Literature, and Science in the University of Chicago, has been chosen president of the University of Minnesota.


The Arena Literary Society of the Bozeman College, Montana, will hold an extemporaneous speaking contest soon. Three medals are to be given to the winners.


A Fresh stood on the burning deck;
As far as we can learn.
He stood in perfect safety,
He was too green to burn.—Ex.


The January Crimson has a good ar­ticle on "Eclipses of the Moon and the Sun." Also, a snappy page of "clip­pings."


Thirty-six thousand tons of water are pumped hourly into the new swimming pool at Yale.


For excellence in athletics, the girls of the University of Washington are permitted to wear the "W."


The oldest university under the Am­erican flag is that of Santo Thomas, Manila.


A hobble skirt race will be one fea­ture of the gym exhibition at the State University of Iowa.


"The Advantages of College" in the Quarterly Tatler is unique and inspir­ing.


The new gymnasium of the Bozeman College has just been completed.


A Kansas University student paid his college expenses by selling milk.


A rousing spirit was shown in the Seventh grade last week in the select­ing of their material to be leaders of the happy band until the close of this year.

It is said that the students of this grade are so equally divided that it was hard to tell for some time whether it was going to go "Socialist" or "Am­erican," the competition was so great. The line-up is as follows: President, Woodruff Mangum; vice president, Liz­zie Fausett; secretary and treasurer, Florence Holt; assistant secretary, Hester Chamberlin; historian, George Alexander; poet, Lula Duffin; commit­tee on program, LaRue Mix, Afton Brimhall, Emma Smith. Mr. Poulson has kindly consented to act as sergeant-at arms. R.D.N.

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