Page:White and Blue Vol XIII no. 16, Feb 4 1910.djvu/9

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3 Take Care JjJ of your haiir. To have it treated properly call up Bell" Phone 133 Red and make an engagement. Shampooing and Drying by the latest methods. 115 N. Academy Ave. Provo, U. Switches, Puffs, Rolls, Etc. Fine Line of Jet Pins, Combs and Bandeaus • Theatrical Costumes 20 per cent Discount on Wall Paper During February Maiben Glass & Paint Co. 262 West Center Provo Steam Laundry i Keep Clean ALL MODERN MACHINERY ' J. N. Gulick, Prop. Both Phones 377 WEST CENTER STREET You Want Cash We Want Fruit and Produce Bring Yours to Us, and Get Cash. We are UTAH'S LARGEST HANDLERS The Wm. M . ROYLANCE CO. Provo Utah Branches at Pleasant Grove, Springville, and Clearfield PIERCE, 1VER JOHNSON and SNELL BICYCLES EDT!=ON' PHONOGRAPHS and Records always in Stock RALPH ARCHBOLD Bicycles and Sporting Goods Official Headquarters for B. Y . U . Gymnasium Goods Bell Phone 71 Red 168 West Center St. Provo Utah girl standing at the palace gate begging, with her apron held out and the money flew into it. She ran home happy as happy. When she got' there her mother asked her where she got the mon­ ey- The little girl told her all about it and the mother wondered what it meant. It filled the woman's heart with sorrow but after while it was settled with the king that it would be' allright to let her keep the money. After that, the king was happy because he had let the poor wom­ an have the money. —Melba V. Miss Myrtle Kirkam, a former student, was a visitor in the school last week. • • Baird and Crosby, two more of our "Y" men, have entered for the second semester. • <• • A social was given last Tues­ day night in the Gym. under the direction of the Training School teachers. <• 0- S % Tuesday noon the Faculty had a match game of basketball. The Hawkins Five won over the John­ sons byascore of10to8. • <•• It has been suggested that the daily newspapers be placed on the rack where students can read them before their contents are "cobwebbed." • •> Mrs. Knight, our matron, has moved to Silver City. It is cer­ tainly our loss, but the good wish­ es of the girls accompany her to her new home. <• •$> • Prof. Eastmond's latest recom­ mendation is that Prof. Plinckley visit the milliners of Provo and secure a supply of ladies' hats for the museum. Twenty years hence they will be a source of intense curiosity. Prof. Nelson—In the following quotation, where should the ex­ clamation mark come ? "If the set­ tler could develop an appetite for ground-dog, every quarter section could thus be made to support the settler, his wife and twelve chil­ dren." Day—It should come after • twelve. Quality Is the only feature of Merit ina Luxury Hence Meet Every Expectation 30 to 60 cents Everywhere in the Pretty Red Packages SAY "STARTUP'S" ALWAYS Sap Bops/ Bring Your Ladies to the GRIER CAFE For bp-to-date Meals MEALS SSRVED AT ALL HOURS