Page:Who's Who in India Supplement 1 (1912).djvu/118

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Chhajuram Tiwari, Diwan Bahadur, Diwan of Dhar State, was born in 1858, and educated at Mhow. He belongs to a family well known in Rajputana for their administrative abilities. He commenced life by serving as head clerk in the Commissariat Department at Asirgarh, which post he relinquished in 1882. In 1897 he was engaged in famine work at Barwani, Central India. After the famine he worked successively in the Public Works, Audit, General and finally the Forest Department of that State. He carried out succesfully a scheme during the famine of 1899-1900 by which, after serving all the cattle locally with grass, the Durbar met the demands of surrounding States and part of Gujerat. For this service he was granted a sanad. In 1901 the Diwan Bahadur was transferred to Dhar State to organize the Forest Department there. This duty completed, he was given charge of the Revenue Department, and in 1904 was made Superintendent of the State: he was appointed Minister in 1909, in which year he was given the title of Rai Bahadur. His title of Diwan Bahadur was granted, together with the Durbar Medal, on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar. The Diwan has five sons, four of whom are serving in the Central India States. He has had the honour of attending the Durbars of 1877, 1903 and 1911. He is a member of the Royal Soceity of Arts and the East Indian Association. Address: Dhar, Central India.

Bisheshar Nath, Diwan Bahadur, K.-l.-H., Diwan of Rajgarh State, was born on 1st October, 1847, and educated at the Government College, Delhi. He entered Government service as an Inspector in the Commissariat Department and proceeded to Abyssinia with the expedition of 1867-68. He served also as Assistant Examiner of Accounts in the Public Works Department. In 1891 his services were lent to the Indore Durbar, and he served in that State successively as Accountant-General, Residency Vakil, and Member of Council. He retired on good service pension from Government