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in Council with the approval of Our Secretary of State tor India in Council may in due course determine. It is Our earnest desire that these changes may conduce to the better administration of India and the greater prosperity and happiness of Our beloved people."

This announcement was received with redoubled enthusiasm. The Master of Ceremonies. Sir Henry McMahon. then obtained His Majesty's permission to close the Durbar. Again the massed bands played the National Anthem, which all present seemed to join in singing. The escort and Royal carriage then entered the arena, and Their Majesties departed, leaving all present amazed and intensely impressed bY the greatness of the ceremonv they had witnessed and the gorgeous setting in which such an epoch-making event had taken place.


On the morning following the Durbar, His Majesty held a reception at his camp, when the Officers of the Volunteer Corps in India and the Indian Officers of His Majesty's Army in India were presented. With the latter were a number of Sub-Assistant Surgeons.


On the afternoon of December 13th, Their Majesties gave a garden party in the Fort to a large number of European and Indian guests. That as many as possible of his Indian subjects should be gratified with a sight of their Sovereign. His Majesty, with his Royal Consort, graciously made their appearance during the afternoon at the historic Jarokha in the Masumum Burj, where immense crowds who had come to visit the Badshahi Mela passed before the Royal presence, A military tattoo was given at the Mela at sunset by the massed bands, and a display of fireworks took place. Hundreds of thousands of Their Majesties' humbler subjects thus had the supreme pleasure of participating in the universal rejoicings and returned to their homes in all parts of the country satisfied that they had indeed seen their Emperor and Empress.