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was also awarded the degree of M. S. by Harvard University. It was during his study at the Institute of Technology that he perfected a hydraulic microphone. Mr. Koo returned to China in 1916 and was immediately given a professorship at Conservancy College, Nanking, which position he retained until he was called to take up a similar position by his Alma Mater, Nanyang College (now Nanyang University) in 1917. In 1919 Mr, Koo was Chief Engineer of the Yu Foong Cotton Mill at Cheng Chow, Honan. He resigned from that position in 1922 and went to the Chiao Tung University at Peking to be the Director of Business and at the same time Head of the Radio Engineering Department. In the summer of 1923, his service in his Alma Mater was again needed and he was then appointed Dean of the University, which position he is now holding. Besides the school in his Alma Mater, Mr. Koo is also chief engineer of Yao Ming Lighting Plant at his native city, Wusih.