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Dr. Ling Ping


Dr. Ling Ping was born in Ku Shih Hsien, Honan, July 1894. He received his primary education at home and college education at Nankai College graduating in 1912. In 1913, Dr. Ling went to America and entered Stanford University where he graduated in 1916 with the degree of B. A. While studying in that university, he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, the academic honor society. In the autumn of 1916, Dr. Ling entered Teacher's College of Columbia University to do research work in pedagogical psychology. He was graduated from Columbia in 1917 with the degree of Master of Pedagogy. From 1917 to 1919 Dr. Ling continued his studies at Clark University, doing further research work in pedagogical psychology. The degree of Ph. D. was conferred upon him on the comple-