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Dr. Hawkling L. Yen


(Yen Hao-ling)

Dr. Hawkling L. Yen was born at Yu-yao Hsien, Chekiang province, in 1879. He studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, between 1896 and 1903. In 1902 he was awarded the Alumni Medal for the best Chinese oration. In 1903 he graduated. Immediately upon his graduation, he was engaged by St. John's as an instructor (1903-6). From 1907 to 1908 he was teacher at Fu Tan College, Woosung. In October 1908 he arrived in America to take up more advanced studies as a government student. In 1909 he joined Columbia University in New York and made political science his major subject. In the same year he received his degree of A. M. Two