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Dr. David Z. T. Yui


(Yu Jih-chang)

Dr. David Z. T. Yui was born in Wuchang, Hupeh province, 1882 of Christian parents, his father the Rer.W. C. Yui being pastor of the Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui for nearly forty years and is still in active service in Wuchang. His mother was formerly a teacher in St. Hilda's School in the same city. Dr. Yui's early education was in preparation for the Imperial Examinations but in 1895 he entered the Boone School for instruction in English and modern subjects. In 1900 he entered St. John's University and was graduated in 1905. The autumn of the same year he joined the faculty of Boone. University and achieved special merit through the organization of courses in military drill, a fife and drum corps, student