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About a year ago we bought for a very small sum, at the Depository of the British and Foreign Bible Society, a beautifully-printed copy of the first part of the New Testament in Chinese, with this title-page in English and Chinese:

"The New Testament in Chinese, translated by the Committee of Delegates, appointed by the Protestant Missionaries in China for that purpose: printed at the expense of the British and Foreign Bible Society; the Text, exclusive of the words for representing Theos and Pneuma, being supervised by the Committee of Delegates; the blanks left by them for these words being filled in by the Shanghae Corresponding Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London Missionary Society's Press. Shanghae, 1851."

"She shoo-che ch'hing 'Shang-Te' che ch'hwang-tsao T'heen-Tih-Choo tsae-ming-wuh, eul yen. Ke ming 'Yayhowah' ts'hung-kaou, wo shang so tang pae-k'hwei; wei sze yew jin i chi-tsung-che ming ch'hing fan so tse-sze tsae-fung-chay; koo she shoo-che fan yung sze ch'hing tsae. I