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was adopted to express " God," and that (Symbol missingGreek characters), or rather (Symbol missingGreek characters), was not used in its place? The reason is obvious. Because a knowledge of the true God was to be imparted through ideas intelligible to men of simple minds; for "to the poor the Gospel is preached." They never could hold only by the intellectual worship of a "Spirit" as "Spirit only," which they could not possibly understand, apart from his "personal attributes;" nor could they pledge their allegiance to any but to a "personal God." Nay, we see that even Plato (De Leg. L. x.), after having discoursed to the admiration of all, on the "(Symbol missingGreek characters)," inseparable from the "(Symbol missingGreek characters)" in God, seeks in Heaven One to whom he may assign that divine Soul. Then, turning his eyes from the Sun, and his hope from his indefinite and uncertain (Symbol missingGreek characters) and (Symbol missingGreek characters), he fixes upon his own personal God, and bows at last to the ruling wisdom, mind, and soul, of (Symbol missingGreek characters).

    ven,"—is further shown by the fact of (Symbol missingGreek characters) being pronounced either Zyus (dĭu-s), or, as in Modern Greek (Symbol missingGreek characters) (div-s); acc. either (Symbol missingGreek characters), "deum," as from the Vaidic dĭů; or (Symbol missingGreek characters), "devm," from dívam.