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Ζεύς. Euhemerus (l. c. p. 67) says: "Ibique in eo monte (Panto) aram creat Cœlo, primusque in ea ara Jupiter sacrificavit; in eo loco suspexit in cœlum[1] quod Οὐρανός nominatur; idque Jupiter, quod æther vocatur precans primum 'Cœlum' nominavit; eamque hostiam quam ibi sacravit, totam adolevit." And Orpheus (H. iv.) Οὐρανοῦ θυρίαμα, λίβανον, as quoted above, says (Γαῖαν Οὐρανόν τε προσκυνῶν—Æsch. P. 491).

Οὐρανὲ παγγενέτωρ—πανυπέρτατε δαίμον
κλῦθ’, ἐπάγων ζωὴν ὁσίην μύστῃ νεόφαντῃ
, etc.

c) "Heaven" is "taken to witness," as abode of Elohim. "This day I take to witness—הַעִדֹתִי בָכֶם הֵיּוֹם אֶת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֶת־הָאָרֶץ—Heaven and Earth against you," said Moses to the children of Israel (Deut. iv. 26; xxx. 19; xxxi. 28).

7) Shang-Te, like Elohim and ὁ Θεός, rules Heaven, surrounded by his ministers (see Kan-ing-pien, pp. 10, 11; and "San-kiao huen-lew," (pp. 9–20). They are inferior to him, for he alone is "Shang," Supreme, over them. And as regards Elohim and ὁ Θεός, those inferior Spirits or gods are either their creatures, or their offspring. Porphyrius (in Stob. Ecl. Phys. i. 2, 53) says: "τὸ δὲ πλῆθος τῶν θεῶν ἔργον

  1. Comp. the Chinese Emperor, ascending a high hill to worship Heaven, etc. (Le-ke, c. ix.; and Vitringa in Is. ii. 899, a.)