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ALL men will agree that God has manifested Himself in the creation of the universe. Who God is or what God is is another question, but every one who reasons at all cannot but perceive that creation did not evolve itself spontaneously "by a fortuitous concourse of atoms." If it did so, where did the atoms come from? All men who reason recognize a primal force, a First Cause, which is supremely intelligent, and that cause they call God. It is likewise evident that this First Cause, or God, is Self-existent and Uncreated and Eternal. We also call God Infinite, by which we mean that He has no limitations. If He were limited, He would be limited by another or by something else, and He would not fulfil the indispensable requirement of an Absolute, Unconditioned Being behind whom and beyond whom no one can go or imagine. He would not be the First Cause dependent upon no being or thing outside