Page:Whole proceedings of Jockey and Maggy (1).pdf/19

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son will pass so, more than others that have been before him, he must actually come before the congregation three Sabbaths before he be absolved from the scandal, and get the benefit of any church privileges like any other honest man.

Mit.] Indeed Mess John, my son will never set his hips upon‘t: if he maun come before you, I'se gar him stand a bit back frae't, an hear what ye hae to say about fornication, twa harmless free bodies, passing their trial to see what they can do ye that's Whigs may mak enough o't, but I think nae muckle about it.

Mess John.] Woman ye may go home and see what you have to do; ye have a very bad tongue: ‘tis no you we are to tak account of.

Mit.] Ay, ay, ye that's ministers an modest, fouk may say sae, but if my son had taen as good rent of his tail, as I can do o‘ my tongue, there had na been sae muckle about it, a wheen silly lowns kens na what they were made for, or how to guide a thing when they get it.

Mess John.] Put her cut, she's going to speak baudy.

Mit.] O ay, stir, I‘se gang out, but I'll hae my bairn out wi’ me.

Mess John.] We must first ask some few questions at him, there's no harm can come on him here.

Mit.] For as good company as you think yourselves, I wad rather hae him in anither place.

(John's kept in and his Mother put out.)

Mefs John.] Well John, you must tell us whether this child was gotten before you was married, or since, for I suppose by the time of the birth it is much about the same time?

Jock.] Hout ay, stir, it was gotten lang or I married, I needna forget the getting, it was'nae sae easy to me.

Mess John.] How long is it since ye was first acquaint?

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