Page:Whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy's courtship with the great diversion that ensued at their bedding.pdf/13

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tumult, which ended in blood; they struck so hard with stones, stieks, beetles, and barrow trams; pigs, pots, stoups, and trenehers, were flying like bombs and granadoes; the erook, bouls, and tangs, were all employed as weapons of war, till down eame the bed, with a great mon of peats! So this distubed a' the diversion at Jockey's bedding, and the sky was beginning to break in the east before the hurly-burly was over.


Now, though all the ceremonies of Jockey and Maggy's wedding were ended, when they were fairly bedded before a wheen rattling unruly witnesses, who dang down the bed aboon them; the battle still inereased, and John's work turned out to be very wonderful, for he made Janet, that was his mithers servant lass the last year, grew like an elshen haft and got his ain, Maggy wi' bairn forby. The humsheughs were very great, until auld uncle Rabby came in to redd them; and a sturdy auld fallow he was: he stood lively with a stiff rumple, and by strength of his arms rave them aye sundry, flinging the taen east and the tither wast, till they stood a' round about like as many for-foughten cocks and no ane durst