Page:Whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy.pdf/14

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( 14 )

Jockey no being uſed to ly with a naked woman, except heads and thraws wi' his mither, gets his twa hands about the brides neck, an his hough out our the brides hurdies, ſaying I ne'er kiſt wife nor laſs naket before, an for fairneſs I'd bite you, I'II bite you, I'll bite you, &c.

Naithing mair remarkable till about half a year an four ukes thereafter, in comes Marion Muſhet, rinning bare-foot an bare legget wi' bleart cheeks an a wattery noſe, curling, greering and flyting.

Marion enters. Crying, and whar's John.

His mither anſwers, Indeed he's out in the yard powing runts.

Mar. A black end on him and his runts baith, for he's ruind me and my bairn.

Mith. Ruin'd you! it cannot be; he never did you ill, nor ſaid you ill. by night or by day; what gars you ſay that?

Mar. O woman! our Jenny is a rowing like a pack o' woo; indeed ſhe's wi' quick bairn, an your John is the father o't.

Mith. Our John the father o't! haud, there enough ſaid. lying lown I true our John was ne'er guilty o' ſic a ſinfu' action: Daft woman! I true it ill be but wind that hoves up the laſſies wame; ſhe'll hae drunken ſome four ſowans, or rotten milk, that makes her ſae.

Mar A wae be to him and his actions baith, he's the father oft, fornicator dog that he is, he's ruined me an my bairn; I bore her an