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nane preſent but auld bruckie, an the twa brutes the bits o' cutties.

Mith Ye ſilly dog and be drown'd to ye how cou'd ye confeſs ſae muckle to miſt ſhaunket Marion, altho' ſhe be her mither.

Jock O mither, mither, ſay nae mair about it, my ain wand has dung me doutly; ſarl hae I ſuffered for that, an ye ken a' the miſery com'd o'er our Maggy, an my mouth's the mither o't a'; ſae haud your tongue I tell ye now.

Mith. An tell ye me to haud my tongue! an ye had a hauden your tongue an your tail an done as I bade you do, you hadna hae ſae muckle to do the day, daft ſilly dog that thou is.

Jock. Mither, mither, gies nane o' you mocks nor malice, for tho' I got the wean ye hae as muckle the wyte o't as I hae. Ga and ſeek out my three new ſarks and Sunday ſhune, an Iſe gae whar ne er man ſaw my face before, neither wood, water, nor wilderneſs ſae haud me again.

Mith. My bra man Johnny, ye maunna ca that; ſtay at hame wit me and ſet a ſtone heart till a ſtay brae, I'ſe gae to the ſeſſion wi' you, gang when you like.

Jock. A well, mither, I ſall do your bidden for ance yet, but when the miniſter flytes on me, anſwer yo him, for I cannn ſpeak wea again.