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Mith. Deed ſtir, he's no denying the bairn but he'll no hae the black ſtool.

Juſt. Ay, but I tell you, them that gets baſtard, gets the black ſtool to the bargain and as he is in my hands now, he muſt ſin caution that he will anſwer the ſeſſion, and be ſubject to the law.

Mith. Ony thing ye like, ſtir, but the ſhameful ſtance the black ſtool; here's encle Robby, an auld Sandy the ſutor, will be caution that we's face the ſeſſion on Sunday; the lad's wae enough that he did it, but he canna help it now, the wean's born and by-hand ſae good night wi' your honours ladyſhip, an the firſt time e'er I was before you.

On Sabboth after ſermon the ſeſſion met. John an his mither is call'd upon; he entered couragiouſly, ſaying goode'en to you maſter, miniſter, bellman, and elders a'; my mither an me is baith here.

Meſs John. Then let her in: Come awa goodwife, what's the reaſon you keep your ſon ſo long back from anſwering the ſeſſion, you fin it is the thing you are obliged to do at laſt.

Mith. Deed ſtir, I think there needs na be nae mair wark about it; I think whan he's gie the lazy hulk the mither o't. baith meal an grots to maintain it ye needna faſh him; he is a dutiful father indeed weel I wat, whan he feeds his byſtards ſae weel.

Meſs John. Woman, are ye a hearer of the goſpel, that ye reject the dictates of it? How