Page:Whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy.pdf/3

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Jocky. HEY Maggy, wilt thou ſtay and tak kent fouks hame wi' you, the night?

Maggy. Will tu come awa' then Johnny, I fain would be hame or the kye come in, our mickle riggy is ſic a runing royte, ſhe rins ay thro' the byre, and ſticks a' the bits of cutties, my mither is nae able to hal her up to her ain ſtaik.

Jocky. Hute, well be hame in bra' time woman; and how's a, your fouks at hame?

Mag. Indeed, I canna' we'el tell ye man our guidam is a' gane wi' the gout; my mither is very frail; my father he's ay wandering about and widdling amang the beaſts.

Jock. But dear Maggy, they tell me we'er gawn to get a wedding o' thee an' Andrew Merrymouth the lairds gardener.

Mag. Na, na, he maun hae a brawer laſs to be his wife than the like o' me but auld Tammy Tailtrees was ſeeking me, my father wad a haen me to tak him, but my mither wadna let, there was an odd debate about it, my guidame wad a ſticked my mither wi' the grape, if my father hadna chanc'd to founder her wi' the beetle.

Jock. Hech waman, I think your father was a fool for faſhing wi' him, auld ſlavery duſe, he wants naething of the cow but the clutes, your goodame may take him herſel, twa auld tottering ſtumps, the tane may fair the tither fu' well.