Page:Whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy.pdf/33

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( 33 )

It's an unco thing a body canna get a fa' buby fa' abune them; auld ruddoch that thou is, thou might a hauden better by the rump'e, an ye wadna a bruiſed a' my back wi your auld hard banes, nor a wat a' yourſel ſae, an ſee how you hae drummel'd a, John Dav'es well.

Mith. Hech, quo ſhe, I wonder ger I be kill'd! Thou was wount to get the word of a good rider, baith upon huſſies an horſes, an this be thy managment thou's little worth; fell'd the auld benes that bore thee! ſic a bath as I hae gotten to my yool: thou coudna a gien me a war bed nor a water hole in a cauld morning. Wae be to thee on that ill gotten get o' thine O! let never better tounty be gotten wi' byſtarts getting; an this is ſo much for the fruits o' fornication, a war ſtance nor the black ſtool yet.

Jock. Let's a bee now wi' your auld taunts about byſtarts getting, or I'ſe gie you the wind o the mear's tail, an gar you wammel hame an a' your wat coats about you.

Mith. Na, na, my man Johnny, haud the auld jade till I loup on, wi' came the gither, an we's gang the gither, we ſall ſee the byſtard an it's nither or wi' gang hame.

Jock. Wi' a' my heart, mither, but yonder the houſe and the hens on't, th lum's reeking rairly, but little ken they wha's coming.

At length they came to Jenny's mither's door,

In goes his mither and in goes the mare.

Himſelf follows after, crys hows a' here?