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being a froſty night, her coats was a frozen about her, and the hard haren ſark plaid claſh between her legs like a wet diſhclout, her teeth gaed like a rattle bag till about half gaet hame, than ſhe was ſiiezed wi' a rumling in her meikle bag what wi' kintry fouks ca's a ruſh i' the guts Jocky was faſh'd helping her aff and helping her on, foul fat and dirty was the road, having like half a l---d at every tadder length.

Jock Indeed mither, I doubt death has ſomething to do wi' you, for there is a rumbling in a your wame like an auld wife kirning.

Mith. Hout, tout I canna hear o't, by they'll be nae fear o' me now, I'm ſafe at my ain door, thanks to the and the auld heaſt it brought me; heat my feet wi the bannock ſtane, an lay me in my bed, fling four pair o' blankets and a caunes on me, I'll be weel enough ance I were better, ſweith Maggy gae make me a cog fu' o' an a plack's worth o' ſpice in them, nae fear o' an aul wife as lang as ſhe's louſe behind, an can tack meat,

Jock, I ſe be't mither, a e'n fill up the boſs o' your belly, you'll ſtand to the ſtorm the better, I'ſe warrant ye never die as lang aa ye can take your meat.

Ben comes Maggy wi' the broſe; but four ſoups and a flag filled her to the teeth, till ſhe began to bock them back again, an ding awa' the diſh.

jock. I mither, mither, I doubt there's mair ado wi' you nor a diſh to lick; whan ye refuſe good milk mea, I am doubtfu' your mouth be gaun to the mules.