Page:Whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy.pdf/45

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( 45 )

Jock. Na but ſtir I want baith the words an the water, what ye ſay to ither fouk ſay to me.

Min. A but John you muſt give ſecurity or ſatisfaction you're a man under ſcandal

Jock. What the muckle miſchief ſtir, tho' under ſcandal or abune ſcandle, will ye refuſe to chriſten my wean that's honeſtly gotten in my ain wife's bed beneath the blankets; caus I had a byſtart canna ye chriſten the weel com'd ane, let the byſtard ſtand for it'e ain ſkaith without a name.

Min. No John you have been very ſlakly dealt with, I'll bring you to obedience by law, ſince you reject counſel.

Jock. A deed ſtir I wad think naething to ſtan a time or twa on't to pleaſe you, if there were nae body in the kirk on a uke day, but it's war on a ſunday to hae a body looking and laughing at me, as I had been coding the pieſe ſuppen the kirn, or ſomething that's no bonny, like piſhing the bed.

Miu. A well John never mind you theſe things come ye to the ſtool, it's nothing whin it's over we connot ſay o'er much to you about it,

Upon ſunday thereafter John comes with uncle Rabbies auld wide coat, a muckle great grey lang tail'd wig an a bonnet, which cover d his face, ſo that he look d more liker an old pilgrim than a young fornicator; mounts the creepy with a ſtiff ſtiff back, as if he had been a man of ſixty, every one looked at him, thinking he was ſome old ſtranger, who new not the ſtool of repentance by annother feat, ſo that he paſſed