Page:Whole prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France, and Denmark (1).pdf/33

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Spiritually ſuſpended, ſubverted and ſuſpected,
Denying their duty to God, and their debt,
Prompted up like princes, as the Peacock proud,
Refuſing their religion, and their right rule;
Then in the north a wicked wind ſhall blow,
That all the realm ſhall rue right ſoon thereafter,
The grey hound ſhall be grieved and driven at under,
And tramped for his truth, to whom he kept truſt,
The kindeſt of his Kith ſhall not him know,
But him and his miſk now that ever, they ever knew.
Then ſhall many ferlie fall right ſooner after.
And from Caithneſs to Dover ſhall walk but war,
And mourn for his misfortune, that failed ſo ſoon;
But better mourn for themſelves, for need they have;
Hails when thou halteſt, herpel not but hold thee:
If thou ſpeakeſt where thou ſpoke, it ſhall able skald thee:
The barred lion lawleſs, at thee ſhall be grieved:
Shall ſearch and ſeek thee to deſtroy thee for ever;
Yet ſhall a beirne from Berwick buſk him and bown,
And ſearch the treading of trewes that were aforetane
By the heedleſs people, that held at their own hand
The holes whole, and the herds had to deſtroy,
Reaſon shall be ſought, and granted ſhall be none:
The movers thereof ſhall mene, and may not mend;
Then ſhall the counſel, which cumbered hath the kith
Call for comfort, but long they may crave;
The marked to the higheſt, and to overhaile the old,
But all in vain they work, they ſhall not prevail;
They ſhall work unwiſe, and wit ſhall they lack,
Then waried their wierd, that ever they were wrought,
Then ſhall the ratches in this region take,
And run their race rudely but any return,
The beſt of the Kyth shall cry for ſupport;
But fearce ſhall they riſe, they shall be ſae ſwier:
The hound which was harmed, then miſſed ſhall be,
Who loved him worſt, ſhall weep for his wrack;
Yet ſhall a whelp riſe out of the ſame race,
That rudely ſhall rair, and rule the whole north,
And quit the whole quarrel of old deeds done;
Though he from his hold he kept back a while.
The cock dare not crow, though it be his kind,
But keep himſelf cloſe, while come ſhall his time,
Prepare thee, Edinburgh, and pack up thy pack;
Thou ſhalt be left void, be thou lief or loath: