Page:Why We Are Galilean Fishermen (1886).djvu/15

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tester of character. That which has the innate ability to float it sustains and supports. That which lacks that ability it quietly and gently allows to sink out of sight and memory, where it will cease to trouble, annoy or obstruct that which has the ability to float.

May our beloved Order of Galilean Fishermen be the true leveller of artificial and arbitrary distinctions, raising up the lowly and humbling the proud looks. May it give flotation and support to all having the ability to float, and peacefully and kindly lay to quiet and undisturbed rest and repose all lacking that buoyant ability, where each and every one shall find his true level, 'till sweet harmony shall flow as a river and joy and gladness abound as the waters fill the sea.

When the Order of Galilean Fishermen has accomplished this high and holy mission, shall be heard the "Great I Am" pronounce the grand plaudit, "well done good and faithful servants, enter into the joy of your Lord."

Then let us fasten our symbolic and emblematic Fish or Ichthus to our outer walls; with its noble signification Jesus Christ the Son of God our Saviour, then shall victory crown our humble efforts and our glorious Ichthyology receive its noblest interpretation, and the faithful shall join in the swelling song "unto him, who has loved us and washed us and made us kings and priests, unto God be glory, honor, power and dominion forever." Amen.


R. W. Nat. Grand Secty.