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( 7 )

My mind has been ſo fill'd with cares,
I can't abide the Ruſſian bears;
If they should on you lay their paws,
You will be nothing in their jaws!
Beſides, there is your little boy,
You ſaid he was your only joy!
Then ſtay at home, my dear, ſaid she,
And go no more to Germany.

O Louisa, don't grieve me ſo,
To think I can no longer crow:
The Dutchmen, too do on me frown,
And drove my brother from the crown:
I think I hear their voices ring,
The Prince of Orange shall be King!
Thoſe things will ſurely break my heart,
And you will Loſe your Buonaparte!

The Dutchmen they will plow the ſeas,
And bring us butter, fish, and cheeſe,
With every thing that they can ſpare,
Now to Great Britain they will bear:
The ports will all be open wide
For other articles beſide;
So Dutchmen let your voices ring.
The Prince of Orange shall be King!