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He will me help and me relieve,
And will increaſe my faith alſo;
If weakly I can but believe:
For from this place I'll never go.
But Peter ſaid how can that be:
How darſt thou look him in the face.
Sure horrid ſinners like to thee,
Can have no courage to get grace:
Here none comes in but thoſe that's ſtout,
And ſuffered have for the good cauſe:
Like unto thee are keeped out,
For thou haſt broke all Moſes laws.
Peter, ſhe ſaid, I do appeal
From Moſes, and from thee alſo,
With you and him I'll not prevail,
But to my Saviour I will go.
Indeed of old you were right ſtout,
When you did cut off Malchu s ear:
But after that you went about,
And a poor maiden did you fear.
Wherefore Saint Peter, do forbear,
A comforter indeed you're not,
Let me alone, I do not fear
Take home the wiſſel of your groat.
Was it your own or Paul s good ſword,
When that your courage was ſo keen,
You were right ſtout upon my word,
When you would fain at fighting been.
For ere the crowing of the cock,
You did deny your maſter thrice,
For your ſtoutneſss turned a block;

Now ſlyte no more if you be wiſe