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( 11 )

but told it Mary Magdalen.
When that ſhe heard her ſiſter s mocks,
ſhe went unto the gate with ſpeed,
And aſked her who's there that knocks?
It's I the wife of Beith, indeed
She ſaid good miſtreſs you muſt ſtand,
till you be tried by tribulation.
Siſter ſhe ſays, give me your hand,
are we not of one vocation?
It is not through your occupation,
that you are placed ſo divine;
My faith is fix'd on CHRIS 's paſſion,
my ſoul ſhall be as ſafe as thine,
Then Mary went away in haſte.
the carling made her ſo aſham'd;
She had no will of ſuch a gueſt,
to loſe her pains and ſo be blam'd
Now good St Paul, ſaid Magdalen,
for that you are a learn'd man,
Go and convince this woman then,
for I have done all that I can
Then went the good apoſtle Paul,
to put the wife in better tune
Waſh off that filth than files thy ſoul,
then ſhall Heaven's gates be opened ſoon.
Remember Paul what thou haſt done,
for all the epiſtles thou did'ſt compile;
Though now thou ſitteſt up above
thou perſecuteſt CHRIST a while.
Saint Paul ſaid ſhe, it is not ſo?
I did not know ſo well as ye;
But I will to my Saviour go,
who will his favours ſhew to me;
You think you are of flyting free,
becauſe you was rapt up above,
But yet it was CHRIST's grace to thee,
and matchleſſneſs of his dear love.
Then Paul ſhe ſays, let Peter come,
if he be lying let him riſe;

To whom I will confeſs my ſin,