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( 15 )

I gave thee beauty above the lave,
and a requeſt you never wanted.
Conform unto the Jewiſh laws,
was brought to thee to be put down,
But nevertheleſs thou let'ſt her go,
and make the Pharaſies afraid.
Indeed, ſays CHRIST, it was right ſo,
and that my bidding was obey'd,
Woman, ſaid he, I muſt not call,
the childrens bread to dogs like thee,
Altho' my mercy ſtill doth laſt,
yet is there mercy more for thee.
But loving LORD, may I perſume,
poor worm that I may ſpeak again,
The dogs for hunger was undone,
and of the crumbs they were right fain;
Grant me one crumb that does fall,
from thy beſt childrens table LORD,
That I may be refreſh'd withal,
it will to me help enough afford.
The gates of mercy now are cloſ'd,
and thou can'ſt hardly enter in,
It is not ſo as thou ſuppos'd,
for thou art daily ſick in ſin.
It's true indeed my LORD moſt meek,
my ſore and ſickneſs I do feel;
Yet I will never go away,
for altho' in youth I had a ſway,
To whom ſhall I go in old age?
or who ſhall I with ſin engage?
For I was old and out of breath,
although I be the wife of Beith,
In Beith I liv'd this fifty years
and after death I did come here;
Now from this place I'll never go,
for ſtill I ſay it ſhall be ſo.
Yet thou the ſame did'ſt truely lead,
who lay long at Bethſaton's pool,
Of many that the never fought,

Like to the poor Samaritan,