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and caus'd him to be murder'd ſyne.
Then Judith ſaid, who's there that knocks?
and to our neighbour's give theſe notes,
Madam, ſhe ſaid, let be your mocks,
I come not here for cutting throats;
I am a ſinner full of bloats,
Yet thro' CHRIST's blood I ſhall be clean,
If you and I were judg'd by votes,
the things thou did'ſt was worſe done.
Then ſaid the ſapient Solomon,
thou art a ſinner all men ſay,
Therefore our Saviour I do ſuppoſe,
the Heavenly enterance will deny.
Remember, quoth ſhe, thy latter day,
what idol gods thou did up ſet,
And grew ſo lewd at Venus play,
thou did'ſt thy Maker quite forget,
Then Jonah, quoth ſhe, how ſtands the caſe,
how came you here to be with CHRIST?
How dare you look him in the face?
conſidering how you broke your tryſt;
To GOD's errand thou withſtood him,
and held his counſel in diſdain;
The raven meſſenger thou play'd him,
and brought no meſſage back again;
With mercy thou was not content,
when that the LORD he did them ſpare,
Although the city did repent,
it grieved thee, thy heart was ſair;
Let me alone and ſpeak no more,
go back again into your whale,
For now my heart is alſo ſore,
but yet I hope I ſhall prevail.
Good Jonah ſaid, crack on your fill,
for here I may no longer tarry,
Yea knock as long as e'er ye will,
and go into the firie faire.
Joanh ſhe ſaid, ye do miſcarry,
as I have done in former times,

You're not St Peter nor St Mary,