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Obtained his father full remission.
I spared my judgments many time
And spiritual pastors did thee send;
But thou renewd'st thy former erimes,
Aye more and more me to offend.
My lord, quoth she, I do amend,
Lamenting for my former viee
The poor thief at the latter
For one word went to paradise.
The thief heard never of me teaehing,
My heavenly preeepts and my laws,
But thou was daily at my preaehings,
Both heard and saw, and yet miskaws
Master, quoth she, the seriptures shows,
The Jewish woman whieh play'd the lown,
Conform unto the Hebrew laws,
Was brought to thee to be put down,
But nevertheless thou lett'st her go,
And made the Pharisees afraid.
Indeed, says Christ it was right so,
And that my bidding was obey'd,
Woman, he said, I may not east
The childrens' bread to dogs like
Although my mereies yet do last,
There's merey here but none for thee
But, loving Lord, may I presume
Poor worm, that I may speak again,

The dogs for hunger were undone,