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timate relation they leave still more to be desired. You dismissed Sir Thomas Scott because he was too dictatorial, although you knew he intended to have the family diamonds reset for you.”

“He’d have had them reset in Sheffield or Birmingham, but, anyhow, one does n’t marry diamonds, mother.”

“One might at least make the effort, Dorothea! I notice that most of the people who disdain diamonds generally possess three garnets, two amethysts, and one Mexican opal.”

Dolly laughed. “You know I did emulate the celebrated Mrs. Dombey, mother.”

“I know you made a very brief and feeble effort to be sensible, and you might have conquered yourself had it not been for the sudden appearance of this young Hogg on your horizon.”

“You shall not call him a young Hogg!” cried Dolly passionately. “It is n’t fair; I won’t endure it!”

“I thought that was his name,” remarked