Page:Wikimedia UK gov review rpt v5.djvu/7

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  • to promote an open approach to learning and knowledge.

In reviewing the governance of Wikimedia UK, we were aware that it is part of a movement that is:

  • global
  • networked
  • cutting edge
  • fast
  • vibrant
  • based on voluntary effort
  • transparent
  • controversial
  • expanding.

It has a globally recognised brand that is very valuable.

In our review we take into account these features of the movement.

1.4 Launch of review

In launching this review in October 2012 the Wikimedia UK board recognised the ‘many excellent achievements of our community and staff’ during the period since the organisation became a charity. At the same time the board stated:

‘We have had a difficult few months which have resulted in negative attention. Some of the coverage has been inaccurate, and much of it has been ill-informed, but we know our community deserves better. Collectively, we have made mistakes. Here and now, we apologise for these mistakes.

‘We are determined to learn from our mistakes. We are equally determined to heal the wounds that recent events have opened.

‘We welcome the independent review of our governance that we will be undertaking jointly with the Wikimedia Foundation. By looking closely at our governance policies and procedures, and how those have been acted on, we expect the review to have clear recommendations which will help us follow best practice in every area of governance. We are certain that the review will lead to our charity and our movement being in a much stronger position.’

The Wikimedia movement as a whole expects the highest ethical standards in public governance and conduct of movement organisations, including chapters. The

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