Page:Wikipedia and Academic Libraries.djvu/177

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Dengra, Fenoll, Allué, Fort, García, and Pons

leading figure for those initial expansions was Àlex Hinojo Sánchez, who was Amical Wikimedia’s project director from 2012 to 2018, with the support of local volunteers and the development of targeted and integrated events like the annual gathering of participant libraries, Trobada de Bibliowikis, which was held in 2016 (Núvol, 2016).

The start of #Bibliowikis in the Land of Valencia started with a relationship between Amical Wikimedia and Valencian Museum of Ethnology in 2016 (Pons et al., 2019). Later that year, the first Wikipedian-in-residence (WiR) began to volunteer in the library of the Valencian Museum of Ethnology (Pons et al., 2019). Here, the #Bibliowikis program was adapted to integrate it into GLAM outcomes. In this case, the library acted as a gateway to the museum. During this stable collaboration, documents and multimedia were uploaded to Wikimedia projects and several editing contests and edit-a-thons were held, such as the Wiki Loves Falles contest to upload popular, cultural content to Wikimedia Commons (Pons et al., 2019). In this case, the #Bibliowikis approach favored the adoption of the same discourse and engagement by another Wikimedia affiliate, Wikimedia España, which boosted the trust of the already involved librarians and increased the linguistic outreach of the ongoing activities.

Although Valencian public libraries have never hosted a consolidated #Bibliowikis project like the one in Catalonia, this hybrid GLAM-library partnership with Amical has resulted in other specific and individual activities hosted in various locations, with only one regular annual edit-a-thon in the library of L’Eliana (Gascó Comeche, 2017, 2020), but this particular event has evolved toward a self-sustained activity (Gascó Comeche, 2020). To revert the standstill and increase the number of involved libraries, the Official College of Librarians and Documentalists of the Land of Valencia (COBDCV) signed formal agreements in late 2019 with Amical Wikimedia and Wikimedia España that aim to collaborate, train, and raise the awareness of Valencian chartered professionals toward Wikimedia projects and activities such as #1Lib1Ref.

Similarly, the implementation of #Bibliowikis in the micro-country of Andorra has been irregular, although mostly successful. Two events