Page:Wikipedia and Academic Libraries.djvu/61

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Fulton, O’Neill, and Bustillo
  1. Deeper learning through learning design in the classroom using Wikipedia—an academic’s perspective.
  2. Using Wikipedia to teach critical thinking and academic integrity—a librarian’s perspective.
  3. Enabling university students to write and publish collaboratively with Wikipedia—a Wikipedian’s perspective.

Students engaged enthusiastically with Wikipedia. Challenges included supporting students in implementing new learning, such as academic integrity skills. The partnership among academic staff, the library, and Wikipedia suggests a potential framework for learning design (Boling, 2010), which may help others apply a similar experiential approach to learning.


Collaborative authorship in higher education, Digital citizenship, Experiential learning, Wikipedia.

Developing Students’ Digital Citizenship Skills

The development of a range of digital literacies plays a significant role in students’ abilities to participate successfully in the workplace and wider society. The European Union (EU) (Carretero Gomez et al., 2017, pp. 8–9) has classified five areas of digital competence as foundational to digital citizenship information and data literacy:

  • Information and data literacy
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Digital content and creation
  • Safety
  • Problem Solving

While university students may be assumed to possess these critical skills for active and full participation in higher education, researchers (e.g., Head & Eisenberg, 2011; Martzoukou et al., 2020) have observed gaps in students’ information skills and a reliance on Internet search engines to find information. A survey based on the EU’s five areas of digital competencies revealed that higher education students perceived their