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UThe Literary Pen is the Best.U

"Mr. Fisher Unwin has beguiled his leisure moments with experimenting in pens, and now 'The Literary Pen' is issued in a nice little booklet box for the benefit of authors. It is guaranteed to write anything from a sonnet to an epic, and it certainly runs very easily and quickly. 'U' is the letter it bears, and 'U' it will, doubtless, remain to a grateful posterity."—Black and White.

"Certainly the new nibs are excellent—a great improvement on the average 'J.'—John Oliver Hobbes.

"For writing easily, legibly, and without excessive use of ink—which is a saving of time to dipping the 'Literary U Pen' which Mr. Fisher Unwin has brought out cannot be excelled. Its action is smooth, and very like that of a quill".—Leeds Mercury.

"We like the way it writes. It is an improvement on the best pen we have used, and will speedily become popular with those who appreciate an easy pen to write with."—Sheffield Daily Independent.

"A new pen, the merits of which are undoubted. We have been using one of these 'U' nibs for the past week, and it still writes as well as when we first inserted it in the holder. There is certainly a successful future in store for the 'Literary U.'"—Bookseller.

"Proves to be an easy running but not too soft pen, with which one may write at great speed."—Newsagent.

"Anyone who loves the smooth action of the quill and the distinctness of the finest-pointed steel nib combined, should get a box of 'U' Pens at once".—Weekly Times and Echo.

"We can recommend it for the smoothness with which it passes over paper"—East Anglian Daily Times.

"We have tried the 'U' and like it."—Academy.

"It is a pleasant, smooth-running pen, and altogether very agreeable to work with. It ought to be a boon to those who write much."—Dublin Daily Express.

"Writes very smoothly, and all who write much know that that is the first quality desired in a pen.—Reynold's Newspaper.

"Altogether very agreeable to work with. It ought to be a boon to those who write much."—Warder.

"It is a good pen and justifies its title."—People.

"Literary workers will find the Literary Pen well worth their attention."—Publishers' Circular.

USmooth Running, with a Quill-like Action.U