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him led to his going to stay with the family living at Battersea?

The entry of Blake's marriage, in the register of St. Mary's Battersea, gives the name as Butcher, and also describes Blake as 'of the parish of Battersea,' by a common enough error. It is as follows:—


Banns of Marriage.

No. 281 William Blake of the Parish of Battersea Batchelor and Catherine Butcher of the same Parish Spinster were Married in this Church by License this Eighteenth Day of August in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty two by me J. Gardner Vicar. This Marriage was solemnized between Us

William Blake
The mark of X Catherine Butcher

In the presence of Thomas Monger Butcher

Jas. Blake
Robt. Munday Parish Clerk.

I imagine that Thomas Monger Butcher was probably Catherine's brother; there are other Mongers not far off in the register, as if the name were a family name. His hand-writing is mean and untidy, James Blake's